Lodge Brothers are pleased to announce they have opened a new branch of their constant expanding business. With a full range of services you will find also find a large selection of memorials headstoneslawn memorials headstones and classic memorials to choose from.Steve Knight Prepares for Dedication Service at Twickenham

Steve Knight has just taken up the position of Branch Arranger at the newly opened Lodge Brothers branch in Twickenham. Steve joined the company as a Relief Arranger and was asked to take on the very exciting position at the brand new branch. The photograph shows Steve preparing for the Official Opening and Dedication Ceremony which will take place at the end of February in the presence of the Mayor of Richmond.

Quentin Edgington, Lodge Brothers District Manager for the area, said, ‘I believe Steve is an excellent person to take on the challenge of developing the new business in Twickenham, and I wish him well for the future.’